As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

EAsy Week AtTitude

So, I took a week off last week. With no long runs planned, I thought it would be a good time to just lay low on all exercise fronts. I did no weight training, only one yoga and 2 shorter (5 mile) runs.
Those runs- oh boy! I set off thinking they would be easy. And ended up disappointed each time because they were not. I was upset with myself b/c I walked. And really, really- at this point in the training- I should not have to walk any portion of a 5 mile run. And oh yeah, ate crappy too. I think the combo of diet and little exercise awoke the lazy dragon inside me. Everything took Herculean effort. Then I winded up sick. Some may say illness was coming on- I say I brought it on...
Now this week- having rested- I am back full force. I have my weekly schedule all planned out! Today I learned something, rather had something I blogged about earlier reassured for me:
So much of how we succeed in our endeavors is the attitude we approach it with! There is a balance. I dont think you can be "life is a bed of roses, my glass is always half full," ALL the time. You will get hurt or face disappointment. After all, roses have thorns!
I think the trick is to acknowledge what is hard, acknowledge what could go wrong- work through it mentally and prepare yourself to persevere anyway... Today I set out for an easy 3 mile run WITH the determination that I was not stopping! I run 3.5 with a group each week and damn near PR every time- there is NO need to stop and walk. period. So, with that mindset and last nights chapter of ChiRunning in my head- I set off. I knew after a mile I would contemplate a walk. I knew shortly after that I would be checking my pace on the Garmin. I knew a little after that, I would be mentally debating if I needed to walk, "are you tired-yeah, do you need to walk- that would be nice, NO keep going. but its been 2 miles now, you know you should walk some! Make it the next road then see how you feel, NO- I dont care how I feel- I will not stop, but..." Welcome to the insane argument in my head for every run I take! Can you imagine this for 22 miles? It aint pretty.
I was prepared for the littany and berage of negative comments today. And to each one the answer would be, simply, NO. I leaned into the run (from the ankles) and let my core lead the way. My arms and legs were simply along for the ride. I passed my turn point for my 3 mile, and kept going. Every time I wanted to walk- I checked my shoulders- pull them down. I checked my pelvis- even and not tilting. I checked my lungs and legs- easy peasy- All Systems Go- just keep running!
And I did, for 6 miles. I kept running. I know this late in the training for a marathon completing a 10K is not newsworthy- but it was a huge mental leap for me. My ATTITUDE has been changed! I now know I can do this marathon without walking every freaking mile (at least for the first 20, lol) And I know how to dig deep and make this happen!
I know how a bad attitude can bring me down AND I know how getting too cocky can cause me to fail. No run is "easy" if its not in you! Dont set out thinking it will be a no-brainer, that run will end up being the one to shatter your confidence!
Many people have equated life with running a marathon: its the process, not the end product; its not a sprint; enjoy the moments in between the strong start and heroic finish. And sometimes- take a mile for what it is- not what the one before it was, not the what the ones after it may hold- but for what it is alone. This moment in time- this minute- its yours. Dont let your attitude ruin it for you!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Light... 22 miles

You dont have to be dieing to know of the light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to be a distance runner! Lately (because of the ITBS) every run is started not knowing if it will be completed. I have learned to adjust my mindset accordingly and just go as far as I can... However, there is a point in every run when you know if your goal is going to be met. Today my light shined between mile 17 and 18. I knew this run was mine, and that it was as good as done. Tunnel Vision= less than a mile ahead lay my trusty, tried and true 5K route, then a mile home... Ahhh, the feeling of impending success- it is wonderful. And for several minutes- you feel light as air and invincable. Alas, that feeling wanes when exhaustion sets in. For a few moments you can recall that joy and spread it around, but then its gone again. By mile 20 I am just putting one foot in front of the other... I believe my mantra was, "just keep moving, just keep moving, time to run again, keep running..." There was an odd combo of feelings going on at the tail end of this run. First there was the fear of pain. By mile 20 I am run/walking to songs. You know, run this song-walk the next one- run again, etc... Oddly, at the beginning of every run interval I just knew I was going to hurt. I was genuinely scared to take that first step! But after 2-3 steps I realized that not only did I not hurt, running took less effort than the fast pace walk! Second, was the extreme contrasts between physical and mental states. While running,yes- my body was tired, but I had to admit to myself that I was comfortable. My pace was easy and I was not struggling. This was counteracted by my mind that was even more exhausted than my legs. Constantly telling me, "Oh, you can stop soon and walk, cant wait to walk..." even though my legs and lungs were holding their own! It just solidifys in my head that attitude is over half the battle! I can NOT let my head get the better of me! Maybe when running this distance alone, you cant help but get a little too much into your own head. I keep telling myself that company of thousands (although not necessarily speaking to me) will help me keep my chin up. And lines of people cheering us on will keep my legs moving. ANd the wonderful time called tapering will leave my legs feeling a bit more rejuvenated than the endless ladder or mile climbing that is known as training... However, for the next 4 weeks- my head is all I have. And I know I need to work on it just as much as any other physical aspect of this voyage! Deets: Able to maintain a slower steadier pace with NO pain, not even a twinge :) However, walk breaks did occur- and of course got more routine as the run went along. I would REALLY like to work on that. Again- the head- hard to overcome- then the more I stress on keeping running the harder the effort feels... its like once the idea is in my head, you know?? Nutrition at 5.5 (3 blox), 11 (Gu chomps), 16 (Gu dbl cafffiene) and 20) Gu chomps). Tummy really revolted almost immediately after the run ended (couldve been AF symptoms - it was day 1 of her visit) So, the question that ends all runs: Could I have gone farther (drumroll, please....) YES! It wouldve been slow, and I wouldve been really disappointed with the time, but I feel I could have finished the 26 today if I had to :) Hip Hip Hooray!!‎22 miles, I am almost too tired to type! Sing it with me ya'll: SHORT run, LONG run, TaaaaPeeeRR! Has a ring to it doesnt it?!?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Summer Vaca's a Comin'

So, for good or bad, summer break is coming! So happy for the weather. So happy to be schedule free. So happy to be outside and playing and generally wearing the kids out... But, oh yeah, there are the kids. 4 of them, home all day, every day- for 3 whole months! Hmmmm, was it just last spring when I was telling my hubs of ALLLL the miles I was going to be able to run when summer came? How I was going to easily meet my goal of 1000 miles for the year? Big plans, big plans I say-- Put one or 2 in the BOB, the others on bikes- I could run miles each and everyday!! Then the reality... The kids arent too thrilled to take their bikes EVERYWHERE we go. J doesnt want to always sit in the stroller because he wants to ride his bike too! And "its too hot, too windy, may rain, I'm just tiiirrrreeedddd!" Ooh yes, its all flooding back to me now... Those 3 months nearly killed my 1000 miles a year goal. BUT- I did manage to learn some tricks that got me working out thru the summer, and kept me (relatively) sane- I would love to share! Bike trail: We have sections of bike trails that are closed to all motor traffic. I figured I could run sections of these trails while the kids rode freely on their bikes. Therefore, they werent following me, there was no yelling of "slow down, I have to be able to see you!" or "speed up, I am walking faster than youre pedaling!" Here is how I did it. I would load up the bikes in the car and drive to the trail section. Each child would have a packed snack and water bottle. The directions/boundaries were explained- and off they went. If they gave me my 30 minutes to do my thing- then they each got 30 minutes of alone time with me later that day. (This got them motivated thinking about all the things they could do alone with me without any pesky siblings!) Keep in mind- household chores will inevitably suffer on these days, but so worth it! Playground Workout: These random exercises will have you crawling home from the playground begging for naptime :) tunnel slide pushups- lay in push up starting position on ground with head facing slide. While your child is in the tunnel, play hide and seek while performing pushups. With each "up" a funny (or grimacing) face will have your kid laughing hysterically and they wont let you "hide" for long in the "down" position! swing squats- With each push of the swing, go down for one deep squat and spring back up in time to push again! pull ups- that one is a given- pretty easy to utilize the monkey bars! balancing lunges- most playgrounds have a border around them of some type. Balancing on the border- walking lunge down one side and back! plyometrics- hopping/jumping/leaping from one spot to another is an awesome workout and kids love to join in. Dont let them win, and practice counting while youre at it! tricep dips- any apparatus low enough to the ground that also gives you room to put your palms down- dip away. Letting your kid sit on you lap for a "ride" is just extra resistance! knee ups- hanging from the monkey bars- bring knees up or straight legs up (badass!) as many times as you can before your kid reaches you crossing the monkeybars from the other side. I guarantee you'll be begging for them to go FASTER! Interval Training: This workout can be done anywhere- walking down the road, playing in the backyard, puddle splashing in a vacant parking lot, you name it! Its simple- every minute or two- stop your regular activity and just go ALL OUT in some cardio or strength blasting! Dance your butt off while your kid sings the latest top 40 songs, drop and give 'em 20, jump squats (pretend your shooting hoops!), you get the idea :) I'll post more as my memory clears... I used these ideas all summer while my mom friends with fewer (and older) kids just "couldnt ever find the time to workout!" I really dislike excuse makers, especially when they really arent trying at all! Of course there is always the treadmill during naptime; and kid sharing- which is setting up once or twice a week swapping kids with a friend for an hour of uninterrupted alone time. Just remember, you have to take her kids once a week too! If you can do this with at least two moms, you'll get some really decent solo workouts in :_

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Cant Even Think of a Title...

So, as always- good news first :) I ran a 5K last night in just seconds over 26 minutes. What makes this GREAT news is the fact that it was easy. I did not feel like I was holding "race pace" or dying during a tempo run. So, that is good. Also good, I got up this morning ready to tackle my 6 miles today. I add this as good news because it is Wednesday- the day notorious for slacking... I practiced my slower pace and it felt great. I literally felt that I could hold that pace forever; until... (here is where the cursing comes in!) my stupid stupid *bleep bleep bleep* hip!!! I felt the tightning first, then the knee twinges, and all I could think was - I am 3 miles in, 3, just three!!! How am I ever, EVER going to make it through this training?? And when will I EVER run with confidence again???? (Hey! found my title :) I ran/walked the rest- holding most run portions for a mile, and finished the workout. I am just lost! Did I feel it today b/c I didnt do the ITB exercises yesterday? Is it because I stretched, but didnt foamroll last night? What I do know is this- I am running from my outer thighs. Not my quads and not my glutes/hams- but all in the hips. I check my form repeatedly and I just dont know what I am doing right on some runs and wrong on others. Arghhh- enough whining- gotta do the ITB series and roll. I have 2 days off of running and then 22 on Saturday. Eager, excited and scared to pass 20 this week! Hopefully some girls are going to meet me for the 2nd half, maybe that will help? Ish, just got nauseous thinking about it, LOL

Sunday, April 10, 2011

17 Miles, take 2

Woo, feeling pretty good about this one! Gotta admit- I have been working on my ITB exercises, but did back off a bit this week. I only did the sets every other day with stretching rather than everyday... I was feeling good until Friday- knees were achy a bit. I am trying to decide if this is partly nerves and psycho sematic?? Anyway, my run Saturday was put off for a while. I was actually relieved to not have to jump out of bed and head straight out the door. By the time the afternoon rolled around- the weather was gorgeous and I was physically ready to go- but not necessarily mentally :( Not to mention I could still feel the knees and was starting out a run kinda knowing I wasnt going to be able to finish it. That is a crappy mindset to have! I met a friend a couple of miles in. We walked for a bit and both admitted "it" just wasnt in us today. And, I dare say - it was pretty hot! Anyhoo- we soldiered on and ran and walked on and off- holding on pretty well. She peeled off at mile 8 and left me on my own. I decided to run a mile ahead to the turn around point then make my way back, should get me to 15 and that would be good enough. I was physically doin' OK knee/hip wise. By now my left glute was balled up. I had to stop and stretch it out, but continued on. By mile 11- something turned- I was ready to go! I was actually able to hold a slower comfortable pace with no problem! All in all, I was excited and doing well. When I got back into town- I was 15 miles in and knew I could handle 20 easy- but alas, I had gone too slow with all the walks and had to head home. I ended up with 17 miles and feeling good, better to stop when youre ahead! Then the Garmin review: I am still only running a mile or so at a time before I break for 30-45 seconds. AND that ratio gets worse as the run goes by :( Second- I was soaring after my 16 mile run last time, and not so crazy about the 18 or 20. This has me wondering if my "wall" is 17? Simply- I gotta quit walking sooo much- its the kiss of death. AND- I need to stay positive as the miles go by, I start worrying about when the knee is going to give out and it sabotages me. I am hoping this run with no pain and ending on a positive note- will help me to get thru next weeks 22. I am so nervous breaking 20, just seems impossible- or at the very least- painful!!

What Makes A Great Run?

Hmmmm, let me think about that! Is it good company? a fast time? beautiful scenery? silence? an argument played out in your head? a perfect songlist? I could go on... so many variables come into play to make a good run. I can be trudging along, wishing the run was just done but then remind myself of how gorgeous it is outside and just try to enjoy the nature around me. Or I could be relieved that I am rounding the final corner when a song comes on that I just love to listen to and get lost in... pass my endmark- or call it quits and turn it off? Or is it simply a matter of time? You know, when you havent had the chance to run for a few days- when you do, it is awesome! Maybe time off from running is what makes running so great... absence makes the heart grow fonder? As many things as there are that make a good run- there are just as many that can ruin it if you let it. Yesterday I wore the wrong socks for my long run. What is the big deal with socks, you ask? Well, the were way too thin. Every grain of sand was a pebble just jabbing me in the foot. They were slippery allowing my foot to slide around in my shoe (hello bruised toes!) and they slid down the back letting my shoe rub a bleeding spot on my heel :( Now, ignore the fact that a blood stain on my shoe feels pretty bad ass- those socks alone could have made me call it quits...) Then there is the weather- here it gets mega cold. And when you are trying to have a good run but your toes feel like they are gonna fall off, your face just hurts from the windchill and the cold just seeps into your bones. Your only motivation to finish is the hot tub of water you can sink into when youre done! Of course it goes the other way too! Heat, it can kill the best of intentions. I for one love feeling sweat dripping off my elbows and down my knees but no doubt that heat can suck the life/energy and fun right out of a run! Then there is the mental game. Often times when I am thinking a run is hard- I do a physical check: shoulders down and relaxed? legs feeling good? lungs doing alright? If all of these are answere with yes- then I have to work hard to get my head out of the game, or into it- whichever one comes easier! Why is it that your mental stage plays such a big factor in a run? After all, building up speed and/or endurance is a skill right? And when a skill is practiced and honed 100's of times, you should be able to get through with little to no mental thought at all. Why doesnt it become an instinct? Sheer physical ability? I don't know the answer to this. For me, mentality will always play a part of running, for the good or the bad. So, back to the question: what makes a good run? Whatever it is for you, hold onto it. Use the motivation from it. Keep it dear and special, because if it goes away your left with nothing. My elements of a great run: 1. music- love it, gotta have it. I have everyone on my playlist from Elvis to LimpBizkit to Shakira! 2. sunshine- seems like you go for months here without it, I drink it up when I get the chance! 3. solitude- with 4 young kids, sometimes the only thing that keeps me running is knowing that more miles mean a longer break from home :) 4. badass-ness- you know, when someone you know drives by while youre in the middle of an impressive sprint... or your husband tells you how tough and awesome you are to brave the storm... or your friends are griping about losing the winter bulge and you are READY for a bathingsuit NOW!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

20 Miles!

I still cant believe I actually made it. On one hand, there is something to say for determination, but on the other hand- I was sure tired! I sat and rested about 10 minutes at mile 10 when I dropped off my friends. I was pretty sure I was just going to head home and call it quits at 14... Then I made up my mind I was just going to keep moving for 3.5 hours (that is the time I wanted to finish this run.) At mile 11, the hip pain spread to the knee :( Damn- thats it, gotta call it quits now. By mile 12, my hips had limited mobility and I was just seriously achy! Here is where disappointment was really settling in... if I am in pain while walking, then I am done for! Then, I dont know why- but I started to change my gait. I wanted to walk faster- running was still out. I started doing the old 90's powerwalk method. If you arent familiar, it is really small quick steps while really swinging the hips. (Yeah, I was well aware of how crazy I must have looked!) At first, this killed the hips, but I think each little sashay was like a little stretch to the old ITB :) Once I worked in the arm swing- I was moving a long at a 12mm. Knowing that some people run at this pace was a big load off my shoulders. Suddenly I just knew I was going to be OK- even if I had to powerwalk for miles! As I mentioned earlier, this gait really worked out the hips and now running was an option. I decided to do song intervals. And when I ran- I ran! No jogging along, run intervals were at 8mm or better, then back to the powerwalk. I was relieved at mile 15, only 5 to go! Then another loop and I was up to 18! I had this, I was going to finish 20 miles!! Then at 18.5 my family drove by- all the kids hanging out the windows yelling for me, man- I didnt even know how bad I needed that :) They were heading to (yuck) McD's and I told them I would meet them there. Ran some more, speedwalked a little, then finished the last mile strong! This ending was a mix of sheer determination and sweet relief! And when that Garmin beeped, and I looked down and saw 20.00- big fat tears sprang from my eyes. OMG- I did it! I did it, I did it- and no, I dont want to do it again just yet, lol! So now, the question that ends all long runs: Could I have gone farther? Given this speedwalking method (which I really wished I had used earlier!) I think... (drumrolllllll) yes, I could have! Pretty sure 22, maybe 23 would have been ok. Now, I am ready to tackle another long run. (well, not now) but next week. No fear my friends, no fear- just rest! Details: I took 4 GU Chomps (YUM!) and mile 6, then I took another 4 at mile 11. Mile 15 (I think) I took a GU. I think nutrition was right on par; but did forget the advil this morning, as well as the Aspercream on the knees :( Will try to remember it next week for sure!

Friday, April 1, 2011

In Preperation

So, tomorrow is a 20 miler... My route is all planned, basically 2 laps of a 10 mile route. I have friends joining me about 4 miles in, but will peel off at mile 12. Knees are feeling good, I am cautiously optimistic. I am not letting last weeks run scare me! Its all about attitude, and I am ready. In preps- I am un-guiltily eating bowls of my favorite (ack-sugary!) cereal and calling it carb loading :) Dinner is yet to be determined. Tomorrow I will dose with Advil again, aspercream the knees and back the IT strap just in case. I think I will mix the coconut water with gatorade this time, and plan on sticking with the same nutrition as last week. 3 blocks at mile 6, GU at mile 10/11 and 3 blocks at 15/16... Hmmm, maybe I will bring an extra GU in case- supposed to be every 30-45 minutes after the first hour, right? Yeah-I might need another GU. I am hoping to get this done in 3 hours 30 minutes... But I am not holding myself to a time or anything; just an idea. So- hopefully tomorrows update will be positive-No, tomorrows update WILL be positive and kick-ass; because that is what my run is going to be!!