As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm Sexy and I Know It

Love, love love that song (this week anyway!) it totally made me bust out some moves right around mile 10, yeah- that crazy chick dancing while running this morning- just ignore her! Whew- it was hot this AM! Got out a little earlier than usual- but not early enough. Miles 15-17 were pretty rough :( I really just wanted to stop; BuT I acknowledged that my legs, lungs, and the rest were felling pretty good. It was a mental game. I think just knowing I was SuppOsed to be tired, and hot, and thirsty made me a little more negative than I felt!
So, at the pace I kept today, I stand to beat my A goal of 4:30. bUT hang on!!! We all know the last half of the race is much harder than the first! So, considering how I felt, I think shooting for 4:30 is still a (reachable) but logical goal!
I didnt wear my compression/knee support pants today- hello!! Mega hot out!- so this 17 miles was done with only KT tape on the knees :) Knowing that I made it that far with minimal help on the ITBand is a pretty big confidence booster. Oh- and that KT tape started to sweat off around 6, lol! I could see the edges flapping on my shadow runner girl as I kept trudging down the road.
I wish I could find the times of my last 17ish mile runs, just to compare... I am not walking except for nutrition breaks, would be interesting to see how I am stacking up. I suppose in the interest of the NEXT marathon training- I will post times... Today 17.1 was 3:01. Just looking at the numbers- it still makes 4:30 look lofty. Fargo was 4:42, and experience has to count for something, right?!?

Friday, September 9, 2011

back on track!

I made it!! I made all 14 (ahem... 15) miles today! Gotta say, the first 4 were iffy, I couldnt think of anything BUT my knee. Is my form right, am I relaxed, did I just feel something... On and on and on it goes. But finally I was able to let go and just run. It was awesome! I didnt stop till mile 7. There I walked @ 3 minutes for a GU break. Then I set off again. I stopped next at 11 miles to check out my friends garage sale (I needed new fabrics for the headbands!) I figured I deserved a little break from battling a head wind my whole way back :(
Anyway- I left her house after about 10-15 minutes and head home. I started feeling bad for breaking, so I decided to tack on an extra mile. I think I walked a minute at 13.5 or 14?? I was tired... but then something just kicked after that and I brought it home nice and strong :) 15 miles with no ITB pain!! I am ecstatic.
Now, for the record- and maybe you have noticed something like this too? I am wondering if the flare up has anything to do with AF? Gonna keep my radar tuned into that! Until then, on to 17 Saturday!!

bit of a backtrack

Wow- actually had to read my last entry just to see where I was. Been a while...
BUT I have good news. After my 14 got cut short (thank you ITB) I sulked home with 8 and tried to stay positive. I rolled and stretched and rolled- AND kept up with my strength training. The following Saturday was a 5K... I planned to run it consertively and do another 7 afterwards. Well, I walked/ran 1.5 to the race site, then ran the 5k in... wait for it... 24:25! Yeah, so much for conservative! Although I am pretty stinkin' sure this course measured short- I will talke that time and relish it :) OH, and I am sure I dont need to mention- there was not 7 more miles after that!
Although the ITB felt fine during the run, fast forward a bit and my WHOLE right leg is just aching :( I mean hip to calf, just achy and no rolling or stretching is helping. In fact the stretching seems to aggravate! It just so happens AF is in town as well... Regardless- strength training continues, as do shorter runs that feel fine, but aching afterwards...
Well- in time for Saturday's 14 re-do, I dont have high hopes. Actually I am crossing my fingers for 10 miles! I fill the water belt, apply the KT tape and set off...