As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Impossible Exercise

Rationally, I know it is necessary, mentally and physically, for me to exercise. And I (rationally) know that I am setting a good example for my kids. And I even (rationally) know that my fitness level greatly benefits all my family in many, many ways: I feel better, I am nicer, I look better, I can play more/harder, I have more energy to do mom things way into the night, I am saving major bucks on therapy, for me and the kids... But, unrationally- I feel like I am drowning. Some days, ok all days, I make sure to get my workouts in. This inevitably means some stuff slides- laundry, bathrooms, vacumming... I know- you've all heard it before. Basically I am fine with that. Here is the thing I am not fine with (at the moment!) When I put in good workouts (with or without the kids), at some point in the day I want, no- NEED to take a rest. I need silence, I need not to be bothered... and this is an impossible exercise to perform in my house without the (dum dum dum...) GUILT! Sometime after lunch, inevitably- I want some down time. By then I have straightened up the house at least once, gathered and started laundry, made and served and cleaned up after 2 meals, vacummed, wiped down at least one bathroom and probably picked up some peed on pajama bottoms and stripped some beds...oh and worked out at least once (ran and PT exercises) all while carrying on a never ending conversation with my 3 year old and refereed umpteen pointless arguments amongst all 4 kids... I know- who wouldnt need a break? But when I sit down (like now) my first thought is, "awww, sweet relief- how I love to sit," which is quickly followed by, "oh, I need to eat lunch myself, I should start dinner- there is swim/baseball/scouts tonight, man- I really need to clean the other bathrooms, when is the last time I vacummed up here, if Derek were to come home right now- would he think my *job* is easy?" And on and on and on it goes... and then there is the more important stuff... the boys are playing video games/arguing- I should be down there. I should be teaching them how to handle these petty situations they get into better so that they will STOP the incessant arguing!! I need to work with C on his phonics, is J really ready for his prek next year- maybe I should make up some more homework for him, I need to get G's homework done and ready to go and M needs help with telling time... (I dont homeschool,but I do push my kids more than the schools do!) And now the real guilt, the secret no good mom would share- I DONT WANT TO! I just dont want to. I dont want to talk calmly but nicely to the little boys about sharing, waiting turns, and NOT hitting/name calling. I dont want to talk to any of them at all. I just want to sit here and stare at the wall. Why (here comes the whining I yell about so much!) caannnnttt IIIII juuuustt sittt heeeerrrreeee for 5 stinking minutes!! Why MUST I do all MY work at night after bed, why are ALL these petty little jobs mine to do, and only mine? And WHEN can I fully turn some tasks over to the kids as something for me to not ever worry about again. Clean your room- and I dont want to have to go check it! Brush your teeth- and do it well enough like you know how that I dont have to point out missed food to you! Put your dishes in the sink- and dont liet me find it on the floor or stuffed somewhere because you just didnt want to walk to the sink (but you'll walk 10ft past just to sit it on the playtable instead!!) OK, by now I am ranting. But I think you see why...So how do you do the impossible exercise? How is it you manage alone time (when not running)? Or- ahem- am I just asking too much? I feel like my "break" time is my exercise, I usually do it when the kids are otherwise taken care of (like in school) so if that is the case- do I not get "another break?" Is it so ballsy of me to ask for more? Or do I, gasp, not exercise and use my alone time to sit and rest... But- not running/lifting/etc... well- then Derek will inevitably gripe about that check I am writing for therapy!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Back on Board Baby!

OK, so last post was a little Debbie Downer! I know, I was tired, yada yada... BUT I am so amazed at how little my body feels beat down. I am not sore or anything! May have been all the walking I did, but regardless- it is nice to feel normal after such (lets face it) abnormal workout! Saturday after the run I did a whole bunch of nothing! Why lie, I stayed in bed for hours :) Sunday I walked laps around the parking lot my kids were riding bikes in and stretched and rolled. Everything felt in working order. Today- easy peasy 2 miles- did just under 4. Took a walk break after 2.5 and oddly enough, didnt want to start running again. ALL the worry of Sat. came rushing back and I insisted that I power thru and run the REST of the way home. This time- it worked! I did run the rest of the way and even forgot about wanting to walk again. Woo hoo! Got my 20 mile route planned out. It is a dbl 10 mile loop. Dont know for sure if it will help not being soooo far from home on my route back, or if running the same loop will hinder me mentally. But, hey, its all about mental toughness anyway, right?!?! One way or another- we will find out!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

18 Miles!

Forewarned: This post isnt quite as positive as usual! In an effort to be completely honest about the ups and downs of training I dont want to sugarcoat it. I will try not to rant or complain, so read along!
First- gotta do the happy dance! 18, oh yeah, 18, oh yeah, do do dooooo! I ran (ehem... will get to the details later) I was on my feet and MOVING for 18 miles today :)
Now, onto the deets of the run... As you may remember, I am recovering from a bout of ITBS. Its been 2 weeks since I have run anything over 5 miles. And I have spent hours this week doing PT exercises, strength training and stretching. I have come to terms with the fact that this is just the way its gonna be to keep me strong and running; I'm fine with it...
Frankly running 18 today was a gamble! I had refigured my plan several times to make up for last weeks missed run. 18 would be awesome, 12 was a must! My plan was to run/walk the first 3 and really warm up the hips. All went well, had to remind myself to stop and break... But as the run progressed, it was harder and harder to start running again. I hate the 10:1 running plan, it just doesnt work well for me. But- in an effort to be super cautious with the ITB I followed it relatively closely.
I was elated at mile 9 knowing that I was halfway done with no pain. I was overjoyed at 14 knowing that I only had a short 4 miles to go! Here is when it got harder and harder to run after walking. And really really hard to hold that run for a mile at a time. I made great effort to not get frustrated or disappointed here! I reminded myself that training for the last 2 weeks has been sparse/not doing any run over 5 miles for 14 days is bound to take its toll. But still, by 15 miles I am running only .5 mile stints before walking... My legs were tired, but it wasnt just that- whole body fatigue was setting in. I often wondered if I just stopped moving for a moment if I couldnt pull myself together and finish this run strong, but alas I never stopped.
I finally reached my house and walked laps around my driveway. Somehow I knew it would be really bad to just stop moving. My lower back was aching badly. I removed my fuel belt and tied jacket and lo and behold the pain increased. Seriously- another kidney stone bad! Man- did I hurt!!
Stretched out, went inside, and sat. Wow- the joy of sitting :) Hours later- legs are tired, knees are a tad bit achy, but over all I feel fine. The run/walk method I believe helped with the soreness; but I may have a different report tomorrow! Honestly- this was the first run of my training plan that had me questioning my sanity. This is the first run of my training that has me questioning my ability to pull off this marathon. In short, this run kind of stole my confidence!
BUT, training as usual starts back Monday. Building my base back up will help with next weeks 20 miler... Now I just have to forget a little so that conquering next week wont be so scary!

pomp and circumstance

Preparing for todays run felt a lot like... gosh, getting ready for your wedding. Sooo many little issues to tend to... It occurs to me that it shouldnt be THIS difficult. I long for the days of throwing on shorts and a T and just heading out the door. This is the thought that inspired this post. One day (soon would be GrEaT!!) I will be sweating and wishing it wasnt so darn hot; so I thought it would be a good idea to document how complex dressing is in this land that God forgot. I doubt many of you run in freezing or negative temps as much as I do (and if you do, I am sorry!) so count your blessings now!

Phase 1- Injinji running socks, running tights, sports bra and wicking top.

Phase 2- cold weather jacket, smart wool socks and balaclava. (insert phone into jacket arm pocket) Strap on fuel belt- must be under top layer to keep the water from freezing during the run!

Phase 3-Cold weather gear running pants, Brooks running jacket, fleece hat, and finally my shoes! Insert earbuds before the hats, so as to avoid annoying cords swinging in your way...

Oh, and I should mention that hair really should be divided into pigtails and braided, because if not the friction from the balaclava will cause a narly rats nest in your hair!

See- I am not exaggerating! Craziness, right?? Now, arent you glad you live where you live and not here???

Friday, March 25, 2011


I am so stinkin excited about tomorrow's run its ridiculous! The weather is cold, my running partner dropped out, and I may not be healed enough to complete it- but dang if I'm not gonna try :)
I have been watching running form videos all day, especially chi running- and am ready to give it a try. I also ordered my new Karhu shoes and am expecting GREAT things! It seems like more of a minimalist approach is the way to go. I always thought that extra bulk and cushioning would ward off injuries- but research seems to suggest the opposite. Now, I am not going out and buying Vibrams or anything- but the Karhu seem to be a good start, then on to the new NewBalance 890s :) woo hoo, new shoes and a long run!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chiropractor/ ITBS moves

Fortunately for me, the chiropractor I chose is a runner. She is currently training for a half marathon even (same one I am doing the full version of GO Fargo!!) Anyhoo- it wasnt all bad news, and she didnt say stop running, so yay! (Although I am sure any other chiro wouldve told me differently)
For starters, my pelvis was out of line... one side popped right in (or out?) but the other side was too tight to move. My husband will be happy to know my pelvis is as stubborn as my head, as is my belly fat, as is... well- I could go on! Secondly, my ankles were, hmmm- what did she say??- anyway one didnt do much but the other let out a nice audible "POP!" That alone would probably explain away my shorter leg!
Third- my ITs are just incredibly tight. She prescribed some more exercises to strengthen and continue on with the stretching/rolling. It is important that I work (even more) the glutes and quads and hams to take away from the tightning of the outer thighs/hips. But she agrees that tight glutes may have been what started this... I smell a conundrum! And lastly- this is VERY common. Yeah, I knew that...
So in true Terry fashion, I came home and did a killer leg workout. This will be my standard workout for legs EVERY day. It isnt that strenous, but there is a lot and it can get tedious :( I am feeling the need to do this whole thing twice, (probably b/c I measure kick assedness in sweat)but will wait and see how I feel tomorrow. Strength without cardio leaves me feeling like a slacker, which is why I usually OVER DO it and have to hobble for days afterwards. Going to try to be adult-like here and err on the side of safety. Blech!
ITB exercises
wall knockers 3 of 10
step downs 3 of 10
side stepdowns w/ pelvic tilt 3 of 10
side lunges 3 or 10
forward walk w/ bands until fatigue, then twice more LOL
side walk w/ bands until fatigue
side leg lifts/pilates moves 10 up, circles, 10 front, circles, 10 back, circles

Leg strengthners
lunges w/ toes out 4 of 12
ski jump squats 4 of 12
leg lifts back fatigue
dead lifts 2 of 12

yoga routine with hip openers
pigeon pose
cross legs and lean to side
seated twisting pose
leaning stretch (lower leg raised to waist high surface)

If you want/need any info on how to do any of these exercises- let me know. Some are my own made up names, some are pretty self explanatory.

I am a Blonde...

Always have been (well, except for those red headed days in college, but still) the roots run deep. I blame the years/decades/centuries of blonde jokes for making me equate my hair color with my lack of common sense. Let me explain: I have been so concerned with what I have missed on my training schedule, that I havent really looked at what I have done. See- Saturday's run got cut short. Then I missed a run on Monday. BUT, I swam Saturday, I cross trained and lifted weights on Sunday, I cross trained and did ITB exercises (again) on Monday, and I cross trained and lifted weights on Tuesday. And then went for a run. It wasnt until I was logging the run on (GReat SITe!!) that I realized my loooonnnggg break that "was sure to ruin all my marathon training and send me back to square one," was only 2 days. 2 DAYS!!!
This is why I dont heal completely. I dont see the forest for the trees. Or maybe I should say I dont see the miles for the feet, I dont know! Anyway- I have vowed NOT to run today, still thinking about Thursday... It really shouldnt be so hard (or detrimental- get THAT through my head) to skip a week and do OTHER stuff! OK, I am done for now on that subject...
As for Tuesday's run- it was great! 8:30 miles that felt comfortable, not race pace at all. No pain- walked some and ran a slower lap at the end- all was well. I feel the knees some today (go figure) but not enough that I think I an in trouble for this weekend. Now I am off to the Chiro for her take and see if I am out of alignement or anything like that... :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cross Training

Thought some pics of me cross training will keep me motivated to KEEP crosstraining. Because, you know, that may be all I am doing this week, GRRRRRR!

So, I will add shots here throughout my training of me swimming, biking, even rebounding (OK, that is fun- love exercise you cant help but smile through!) as well as lifting and what not... My kids take the pics, so be prepared for odd angles :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Fraction of 18

Well well well, My Michelle...
I rolled and stretched and rolled and stretched but I dont think it was enough. Whats missing? Time. Just gotta give the ITB more time. I set off for my run this morning with my partner and I guess I knew from the beginning what was going to happen. Once you have that doubt in your mind, there isnt much room for anything else. After 2 miles I could feel the hips tighten and minimal discomfort in my left knee (Odd- it was the right all week!) I knew when she finished her 5, that I would be finishing with her.
I think, no I know I made the right decision. Later at the pool with the kiddos- the legs were kinda aching. Ultimately I am happy with my decision, but bugger- I am disappointed. And yes, I keep questioning decision, "but nothing hurt when I was running, I felt fine, I probably couldve made it," BUT I would have been disabled ALL week if not more for just plain out pushing it too far.
So, I still have right at 2 months left. PLENTY OF TIME (the caps is for my benefit more than yours, lol) I have redesigned my game plan and I am pretty darn eager to get out there. And, what is the fun in telling a training story if you dont have an injury to champion over? And. I. Will. Champion... over this little, annoying, nuisance of a band.
Live and learn friends; Lesson # (uhhh. what number am I on???) DONT SKIP THE STRETCHING!! Dont do weights after Wednesday, and listen to your body. The only way to run a marathon is to RUN it- not limp it or walk it...
BTW- spent the REST of the afternoon zombie-like in bed. Feeling fine, just so tired/drained. This injury is in conjunction with Aunt Flo, so gonna cut myself some more slack than usual.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ack! Is this an injury??

Ran with the group Tuesday night, knee did ok. I could feel it for sure, but not painful necessarily. I stretched and rolled and rolled some more. Come Wednesday morning, I could feel it more; decided to try out a run and just take it easy. Well, I ran for 1.5, then walked 1.5 home. Yeah- that went great (insert sarcasm!) Stupidly, I decided to pull out BOB and pick up the boys. After all, the sun peeked out for 5 minutes- what the heck, go for it! Dumb, dumb, dumb. Why did I think pushing 100 lbs in a 40 lb stroller would make my knee feel better? Dang it!!!! So, Thursday AND Friday will be nothing but stretch, roll and rest. Seriously- I am not even going to sneak in some lunges. I WILL NOT!!
I am developing a backup plan, however. Next week is my ez week where The Plan (LOL) has me dialing it back a bit. IF, if, if my ITB starts tightning, I am going to switch weeks. You know, easy and short this Saturday- back up to 18 next Saturday. I am feeling pretty good at this point, just want to get the milage in!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dbl Digit Week!! Bring On 10

OK. I know my long run was just yesterday; and I know we have rest days for a reason; and yes, I even know that I am probably being waaaaay paranoid- BUT, I am worried about my runs this week. My knees just feel like it would be a bad idea! I have already decided I will blow off Tuesday's group run if they dont feel strong. Alas, Wednesday is a tempo. The weather is going to be (capital a) Awesome and I am excited to do the 6 miles. I just HOPE it doesnt do me in and sabotage my 18 on Saturday :( Foam roller is mi amigo, my best friend and I promise to stretch and eat well and yada yada yada if my body will just hang in there!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

16 miles

*Happy Dance*Happy Dance*Happy Dance***** I just finished 16.71 miles!! Less than 10 more for a FULL MARATHON!!! I can see a light, bright and shining, at the end of this training tunnel!! Today my favorite running partner met me for 5 miles towards the middle of my run. Conversation didnt stop for that hour:) May have slowed me down some, but totally saved my sanity.
Lo and behold- I learned something new this week too! Despite missing my second strength session and despite my legs feeling totally fine and rested- I cant skip stretching! Can not, CAN not, can NOT skip stretching!! @ mile 12 I could feel the ITB; after mile 13 I had to stop every .5 mile and stretch:( But- made it, smiling, and not totally drained to the end!
For nutrition, I planned on Blox at mile 6, Gu at mile 9ish, and Blox at mile 13. Well, I all the good convo, I missed the mile 9- but still felt totally fine, great even!! I am so ready and excited for 18 next Saturday that I want to fast forward ahead. But, alas, I wont. I will rest, STRETCH, and strength train while biding my time for the. next. long. run!! (Said in Totally Drama Island style:)

Monday, March 7, 2011

On to Week 9!

I am getting there! Slowly but surely. I am so excited about my 16 miler this Saturday... I have never run that far before; definately exploring unchartered territory!
Today was an ez, slow 2 miles. It felt crazy to do such a short run; I overshot and ended up with 2.7- but the last .7 was a nice walk. I really can't remember the last time I just walked with no self-chastising or guilt :) I also did a strength workout. I am making every effort to end all strength sessions bu Wednesdays from now on. Hopefully this will leave me with fresh eager legs ready to move on Saturdays.
I cant believe I didnt come straight home and blog todays run... Well, its been 3 days, but it was awesome enough to remember! Plan called for 6 with 3 1600 intervals of 8:34. I thought it was a bit lofty, given my speed (or lack there of ) lately. Plus, I had worked all day and wasnt really feeling like a run. BUT--- I decided to just run fast as long as I could, if I made it the whole mile, great- if not- it IS technically still a speed workout. Results: 3 1600 intervals of (long dramatic pause) 7:49, 7:54, and 7:45!!!!! Ya freaking Hoo!!!! hot Dang- couldnt be happier with that!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

14 miles

Think I will make each long run its own post; after all, they deserve to be blabbed (blogged) about!
So, first lets celebrate before we analyze, shall we? I just ran 14 miles!! 14 miles!! That is over halfway through a full marathon :) I didnt fall down (though came pretty damn close- stupid ice!) and didnt hit a wall... I do ask myself one question at the end of each long run, "could I have gone farther?" Today, the answer is (druuuumrolllll) yes. I couldve made 16 fine, maybe 18- but that wouldve been it.
Analyzing time. Each week I live and learn with this whole training thing. This weeks lesson- strength sessions need to be completed by Wednesday. Period. Thursday's strength session had me tight Friday and sore today. I just knew the tight glutes and hams would flare up the ITB and the sore quads were just uncomfortable. Despite all this- no knee pain, but I am hobbling the day away, LOL.
First 5 were fine, pace all over the place- music got me moving faster than I shouldve. Second 6 were with a group. Nice to have company. They were following 10:1's and that just doesnt suit me. I had to make the decision (also) to slow it down for my own good. Even then- with their walk breaks and my steady pace, we stayed together. Last 3, on my own. Starting to feel that the legs needed to keep moving for my own good. Even walking was not the best idea. Mile 13- Dirty Bit came on. Oh yeah! Got this run done now!!
All in all, 14 wasnt easy. Will keep applying my on-the-job-training and adjust my schedule accordingly. On to 16 next week, and I am ready:)
Note to self- aching feet come mile 11, but then passed...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Run Like a Mother Giveaway

Oh, I dont win many contests. But I sure do try! This weeks is: What/where is your running milemarker?
My mile marker… given my mood or goal for the day, there can be many. But I suppose the one that sticks out is the beginning (or is it the end?) of the street that my neighborhood attatches to. For that is where my warmup ends, and the running journey begins. Every time, almost every day…. crossing that street means “lap” gets hit on the Garmin and the feet pick up pace! Which route they take that day, really doesnt matter. All that matters is I am running NOW, and I will (at least for the next hour) live in the NOW; no house to clean, no kids, no husband and no work- just ME, ME ME! (And my two best friends, aka runnin’ shoes.)