As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Week, what week am I on??

They are kinda starting to run together! This week, however, I have managed to find a way to fit in all of my runs and still have Wednesday as a rest day :) (Wednesday has proven to be a tough day for me to get my run on...) Somehow just knowing that fact- makes this week seem so easy!

Todays run- 6 miles with 4 at tempo: Got cut short to 3.5... Fortunately- the last mile was so fast that it brought my avg up to game plan:) It was cold out, very cold! Thought about sticking to the tm in my warm basement with my pacer shorts and tank- not 4 layers of clothes and 2 hats... But then I started thinking, if I did this run on the tm, it would feel like one more thing checked off my list. But if I went outside- it would feel like something I am doing for me. Like a gift; a crazy insane gift wrapped up in negative temps, but a gift nontheless! So- thats what I did.
I am really glad I did. Once my face numbed to the wind- I felt really good. Maintained 9:30 or so for 1st mile, then got a call and had to turn around. Second miles was 8's and 7's. Felt good and knowing I was dropping several miles, I would NOT let myself stop. Weeeee- what a ride!

Today's run, what can I say?? I suppose, on the positive, I can say that it is Wednesday and I still managed to run. On the treadmill even:) Definately felt my right knee, so kept it slow... Thinking that Shred may not get done this week- is it the strength sessions that flare up the ITB or is it just the Yoga Fusion?? Experimentation is the only way to find out I suppose... Ooooh Ooooh, Almost forgot- I did 100 pushups today! Yeah, I did!!! 10 sets of 10 with 30 seconds in between. Going on to 10 of 10 with 15 seconds next week. *smile*

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 6 and 7

Not gonna lie... keeping up with the Xtraining is getting tough. My hip/ITB flares and makes me wonder if I shouldnt do legwork, just stick with upperbody. But then I know that isnt right- still feel like pain is a weakness. Literally- stronger legs = less pain from the hips and knees. So, GOTTA get back to it.
Did yoga fusion and a Tabata workout. Odds and ends here and there- no overdoing it, but can feel the tightness.
12 mile run went soooooo well! Took a GU at mile 6.5, last 5 miles just flew by! Even had to pass my house as my route was too short. No prob, ran by- circled back- and still couldve kept going. LOVE these runs.
Doubt is creeping in as the excitement is waring down a bit. I may feel good at the end of 12, but could I go and run that route again? I mean really, could I just take a water break and do it again? I dont know, really, dont know!
Easy week, kinda itching to go onto 14... But experts have made this plan, and veteran marathoners have assured me that rest weeks are important. Good thing- weather stunk and had to move to the tm. Knocked out the easiest 6 on a tm I have ever done! Just barely made it over 60 minutes...
Obstacle- Wednesdays.... If its not the weather, its mental. I am tired and out of ooomph on this day. So far, I take it off and am rip roaring ready to go next run. Hmmmm, gotta figure something out here!
COME ON SPRING!!!! So tired of this *bleep bleep* snow and ICE :((

Week 4 and 5

These weeks were pretty similar- and gotta say, feeling like a rock star!! I am managing to keep up with xtraining, and the long runs arent tough at all. Biggest hurtle is the tempo and speed runs on Wednesdays. It just happens to be the coldest day of the week EVERY time. Hmmmm, conspiracy?? Pretty hard to maintain a good pace, let alone a fast one, when it is 0 or below. So, basically- I keep the best pace I can and just dont let myself quit.
Saturday- 9 miles; moved this to Friday. Drove around for 15 minutes (thats a lot b/c this is a tiny a** town!) just to find a clear route. Unfortunately the only one was the highway heading east, so parked and ran... Noticed my tummy rumbling during the warm up and wondered if I was in for trouble. Cant be good to head out on a 9 mile run starving and with no water, no nothing! But- hey- did it!! Really like pushing my body on empty as much as possible. Makes me feel tougher, but I think we all know thats a bunch of crap. I mean, in the end, the epidural or natural doesnt make us a different mom, just makes one of us in a better mood :)
Pace is improving as the weather warms a bit and roads clear more. Whew, I was worried about my inability to get above 10mm and hold it! Long run of 10 miles rocked!! This time I took water and changed my route. Made it thru town to alleviate the boredome. Took two trys (Friday was a mis failure) but Saturday was da bomb!! Still feelin good!

Week 2

I have to make up a run from last week. Schedule should be:
Sunday- 8 miles
Monday- EZ 5
Tuesday- Shred
Wednesday- EZ 5
Thursday- rest
Friday- yoga or stretch
Saturday- EZ 5
So, didnt go exactly as planned. Sunday we had more crappy weather. Again with the rest!! Onto Monday... found and paid a sitter to come so I could run. Hubs had to work late and schedule just wasnt opening up, but I am NOT putting this run off again. 4 miles out and 4 miles back. Pretty boring route- but gets the job done and its not icy/snowy. ITB really flared up! Had to walk some and actually copped a pigeon pose roadside just so I could make it home:(
The rest of the week went pretty well. Only did 4+ on Wed but it was a much faster pace. Made up for it Saturday and did 6. Woo Hoo- onto week 3!!

Week 1

This week calls for a 5 mile easy run, a 5 mile tempo run and a long run of 8 miles. Feels weird to call this a training week, because this is pretty run of the mill for me. The only difference is my determination to fit in xtraining!
Sunday- rest
Monday- 5 EZ; decided to do the hill run. If you have to be slow, might as well be slow on an incline! Went well, faster than called for:)
Tuesday- Shred Lvl 3; Gawd!!! "its only 20 minutes, repeat..."
Wednesday- tempo, 5 miles- 3@9:13; stuck inside:( Had to do this one on the tm, and tempo is not my friend when stuck on that darn machine!! Had to walk 3 times, did it 62 minutes. Gotta get better!
Thursday- rest
Friday- Shred lvl 3 and Yoga lvl 2; feelin good!
Saturday- Ugh... weather! rest. Absolutely NO way I am doing 8 miles on the tm!!

So, Week 1 is done- well kinda, didnt get in my long run. But I will. Feeling pretty good, confident. Get er done!!

Starting Up

Here is what I figure: I may never run a marathon again. After my first that is! SO, I think its a great idea to chronolize (ummmm... write down) the efforts it takes to get to the start line.
My name is Terry. I am a mom of four beautiful children and 1 tiny dog. My husband is, quite frankly, my best friend and soul mate. (*not sole-mate, as I havent gotten him hooked on the running bug just yet!) But, before you go and start thinking my life is perfect- I suppose some honesty is in order...
1. I believe I am a depression sufferer. I am leaning more towards hormonal reasons as my moods do have spikes and lulls. Nontheless, its there and I struggle with it. No doubt as you follow my journey to 26.2 glory- you will notice the highs and lows.
2. I am a yeller. Yep, perfect mom image shattered!! If only my friends could be flys on my wall (not really, bugs-yuck-that is for another number!) My kids know all to well what its like to live with a crazy mama. I joke that I save money for therapy, not college.
3. OCD- its not diagnosed, its not detrimental to my day to day living. /But, it is a force to be recknoned with. My house/life has to be in order before I can function. Seriously, dishes must be done before ANYthing can be cooked and the floor is vaccuumed before school every day. Many runs are pushed off so I can get the beds made and I swear, (for better or for worse) my kids know "the look" that tells them to get up and start cleaning! I admit- when there is more than one mess going on at a time, it ain't pretty!
4. Lastly- somewhere in the last 5 years or so, I have become a glass-half-empty person. I have made this my New Years Goal this year- see the positives in the world! So, feel free to tell me if I am failing in that endeavor...
With all that being said, lets move on to the reason behind this blog! I am several weeks into training for my first marathon. I WILL be running the Fargo Scheels Marathon on May 21, 2001 (UffDa!) Although about 13,000 people will be running- only @ 1200 actually run the full distance. I will be one of them:)
I will be one of them.
I will be one of them.
Ooops, sorry. Mantras coming out at random!
There are many reasons to run a marathon. I'm sure some are really good reasons. My reason, oh I don't know, just to see if I can- I guess. No really, I want the bragging rights. I want the T shirt, I want the incredulous "you really ran 26 miles??" questioning from friends, family and perfect strangers. I want to be the BAD ASS that ran 26.2 miles for the fun of it! HOOO WAH!!
My husband is convinced I will eventually set my sights on an Ironman. I am positive I won't. However, I will say this now, (because after my first 20 mile run I might never say it again!) I do want to pick a destination and run a marathon every year. How awesome would that be?? 50 states, 50 marathons?? Oooh, I like that! I better do 2 a year, lol!
So- onto the training sessions...