As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

ITBS we meet again

Ugh, ugh, ugh... Ok- I dont think this bout is as bad as the last one / but annoying none the less! Last weeks 14 miler was cut to 8:( I felt the pain at mile 4, massaged/walk breaked to 6 (where I got home and wrapped the knee) and headed back out for a mere 2 more before I knew I had to give it up.
So- insert 3 foam rolling sessions a day and stretching. I have managed to keep up with my strength training, but I feel the knee:( I skipped Monday's run and opted to walk, fine. Wednesday felt ready but nervous- did 3 on the tm (with intervals) and felt fine. Then I did 4 more later that evening and felt some tenderness... Dammit.
Today, Saturday, I ran the bass Dash 5K. Knee was fine, race was fast, all was well. Until I get home. Knee is achy, I have rolled 3 times already and stretched... Needless to say I am sitting out my extra 7 today... Maybe tomorrow- but most likely Monday.
Arggg- this is annoying! Why can't I just run free??? Damn damn damn!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

12 miles...on a whim

My ITB really acted up Wednesday. I mean, .25 mile in and I knew I was doomed. Kinda came out of nowhere but the pAin was all too familiar. These stabs signaled the death of my Savannah marathon :( You know, I was pretty apathetic towards this race until I was told I couldnt do it!
So, in all too familiar fashion, I continued with the cross training and stretched and rolled and rolled. Come Friday I am just too eager to test out my knees. Unfortunately, I had all the kids and no way to swing a 12 mile run. But then, the sun went behind some clouds and a nice breeze picked up. And I start thinking... Hubs will be home soon and I might, just might- be able to swing this! Still tons to do with garage sale prep, but waiting till Sunday to see if I am going to register for this marathon just seemed impossible!
As soon as I mention the posibilty of running to my husband he all but pushes me out the door so I can be back home before dark. I geared up with water bottles and bloks not knowing if I would even make it a mile... But- I did! I made it many miles :) I ran 6 out to the lake, walked for a minute to swallow blokes, then ran the 6 back home. Only two times did I feel my knees, 1) at the onset of running again after the break. For a moment I thought the trip back was gonna be pretty hairy... But then the discomfort disappeared! And 2) around mile 9 or 10, I can't say they hurt, but they werent feeling incredibly strong:( But, again, this passed and I finished the run strong.
So, with a goofy grin on my face, I went straight upstairs to the computer, downloaded my results to dailymile and then swiftly registered for the Savannah RockNRoll marathon. I figure, if I can decide last minute, unprepared, to run 12 miles- then I am good to train for a marathon, again!!
Long story short- I am running another marathon baby!!! This time I will train with slower runs and little to no walk breaks. Not gonna say legs aren't tired after long runs, but runs are going really smoothly! I am so excited about how the training is going so far. Hopefully, knock on wood, things continue to go as well!

Pixie Dust AwEsOmE giveaway!!

Click here my friends and you will NOT be disappointed! My amazing friend, Heather Gannoe, has joined the fantastic force that is TNT in fundraising for Lukemia and Lymphona society. In an effort to raise max funds she has packaged up an incredible array of goodies :) GO to the site (Run faster, DONATE to a great cause, and ENTER to win the raffle!!
Stip reading and do it now!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Week Behind but Miles Ahead

Technically I am a week behind in my Savannah Marathon training schedule but I feel like I am so far ahead of where I was for my Fargo marathon. It seems so stupid, but I can not believe how EASY my run was when I slowed it down and just went... I ran 10 miles with no, NO, walk breaks... Not even the slightest need for one!! I just can not get over how easy this run felt. If it werent for common sense (and some tender knees) I swear I could have just kept on going for 10 more!
Speaking of knees, I am in need of more rolling. I did some last night but I can feel the right one today. Funny, it was the left yesterday!
I am working out my schedule so that I can complete all the training runs as well as Bodyrock most days. I will keep the day before the long run absolutely free of anything! I am learning more the need for rest.... Now, if I can stay injury free and not need all the time consuming PT exercise like last time- I will be good to go!
So, this week, I feel confident in saying, "It is ON like Donkey Kong!" After Ll, you have credit cards to USE them right?!?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Half of a Whole

(This is my hubs at the St Pats Parade downtown Savannah... my last trip there years ago!)

Conflicting emotions!! I am not so good with these, usually I know what I want and realize that life is too short to bother with what I dont want! In this case, I want the end product- but really dont want to do what is required to get it...
I am talking about a Fall maratnon. It is possible (although not prudent) for me to head down to Savannah for the inaugural RockNRoll marathon. I can see the race expo, the route of my old stomping grounds, the incredible finish with a ton of family around... I like what I see. But, I just cant hold onto that "like" enough to train for it. I am so wishy washy with this event! Perhaps its the guilt manifesting into negativity, it is a lot of $$ at a bad time of year... Perhaps its the heat, long runs or speedworkouts are uber tough in high temps... Perhaps I just dont really want to do it, just want the glory without the work... Or perhaps I am just tired- in which case I need to suck it up!
Either way my mind is unsure and running is seeming like a job. I really hate both of those factors!
I know your input isnt necessary for my decision, but would love to hear it anyway. Have you ever had something you want but no desire to attain it? Funny how that is even possible! Often times I want chocolate but just DONT want to go to the store for it no matter how bad the craving... So maybe these conundrums arent rare for me, lol.

Monday, August 1, 2011


The Mason family just wrapped up their first official family vacation! We all packed into the 'burb and drove 1000 miles to the Black Hills, SD. We had a great time, made some memories and just enjoyed ourselves. Of course, spent way too much money and ate some things we shouldnt have.... And although we packed bikes on a towed trailer, not once did we pull them out. The hills were so steep that I knew the kids would just get frustrated and hate it :( I, however, couldnt wake to tackle the hills on foot!
I gave myself 2 days before I set out for a hilly run. Hmmmm, hills may be the wrong word... Perhaps small mountains? My first attempt was only 2 miles and most of it was walking, er trudging up hill. Then it was so steep and loose that I couldnt run the downside! Argh, I think these hills tackled me!
A couple days later I anxiously tried again... I scouted out a road that looked a bit less mountainess and took off. The elevation difference made the first mile hard and the hills were still there- but then my body just fell in and went with it. Slower up and quicker down but enjoyable none the less. I decided to try the monster hill again from attempt #1 and see if it felt better; nope- still sucked!! LOL - upon checking the Garmin on my return, turns out it was a 2000 ft climb (at 6000ft elevation) and close to a 1000ft drop on the other side! No wonder I was sucking wind!!
Despite the dificulty and the wear and tear on my ITBand, I felt so awesome after each run! You know, tired and spent, but not quite wanting to stop... Funny, collectively my runs were only 5 miles but the difficulty of those 5 had me thinking of marathon training. Its hard, and at times it sucks- but isnt it so awesome when you are done??
Well, speaking of done, our vacation is. As is the lack of routine, diet skips and all the other goofs that led to a big flab bowl on my middle :( Glad to be back in my house, sleeping in my bed, sweating my batooty off to bodyrock in my garage and tomorrow- running around my flat town! Ahhhh, home sweet home!