As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

EAsy Week AtTitude

So, I took a week off last week. With no long runs planned, I thought it would be a good time to just lay low on all exercise fronts. I did no weight training, only one yoga and 2 shorter (5 mile) runs.
Those runs- oh boy! I set off thinking they would be easy. And ended up disappointed each time because they were not. I was upset with myself b/c I walked. And really, really- at this point in the training- I should not have to walk any portion of a 5 mile run. And oh yeah, ate crappy too. I think the combo of diet and little exercise awoke the lazy dragon inside me. Everything took Herculean effort. Then I winded up sick. Some may say illness was coming on- I say I brought it on...
Now this week- having rested- I am back full force. I have my weekly schedule all planned out! Today I learned something, rather had something I blogged about earlier reassured for me:
So much of how we succeed in our endeavors is the attitude we approach it with! There is a balance. I dont think you can be "life is a bed of roses, my glass is always half full," ALL the time. You will get hurt or face disappointment. After all, roses have thorns!
I think the trick is to acknowledge what is hard, acknowledge what could go wrong- work through it mentally and prepare yourself to persevere anyway... Today I set out for an easy 3 mile run WITH the determination that I was not stopping! I run 3.5 with a group each week and damn near PR every time- there is NO need to stop and walk. period. So, with that mindset and last nights chapter of ChiRunning in my head- I set off. I knew after a mile I would contemplate a walk. I knew shortly after that I would be checking my pace on the Garmin. I knew a little after that, I would be mentally debating if I needed to walk, "are you tired-yeah, do you need to walk- that would be nice, NO keep going. but its been 2 miles now, you know you should walk some! Make it the next road then see how you feel, NO- I dont care how I feel- I will not stop, but..." Welcome to the insane argument in my head for every run I take! Can you imagine this for 22 miles? It aint pretty.
I was prepared for the littany and berage of negative comments today. And to each one the answer would be, simply, NO. I leaned into the run (from the ankles) and let my core lead the way. My arms and legs were simply along for the ride. I passed my turn point for my 3 mile, and kept going. Every time I wanted to walk- I checked my shoulders- pull them down. I checked my pelvis- even and not tilting. I checked my lungs and legs- easy peasy- All Systems Go- just keep running!
And I did, for 6 miles. I kept running. I know this late in the training for a marathon completing a 10K is not newsworthy- but it was a huge mental leap for me. My ATTITUDE has been changed! I now know I can do this marathon without walking every freaking mile (at least for the first 20, lol) And I know how to dig deep and make this happen!
I know how a bad attitude can bring me down AND I know how getting too cocky can cause me to fail. No run is "easy" if its not in you! Dont set out thinking it will be a no-brainer, that run will end up being the one to shatter your confidence!
Many people have equated life with running a marathon: its the process, not the end product; its not a sprint; enjoy the moments in between the strong start and heroic finish. And sometimes- take a mile for what it is- not what the one before it was, not the what the ones after it may hold- but for what it is alone. This moment in time- this minute- its yours. Dont let your attitude ruin it for you!

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