As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 6 and 7

Not gonna lie... keeping up with the Xtraining is getting tough. My hip/ITB flares and makes me wonder if I shouldnt do legwork, just stick with upperbody. But then I know that isnt right- still feel like pain is a weakness. Literally- stronger legs = less pain from the hips and knees. So, GOTTA get back to it.
Did yoga fusion and a Tabata workout. Odds and ends here and there- no overdoing it, but can feel the tightness.
12 mile run went soooooo well! Took a GU at mile 6.5, last 5 miles just flew by! Even had to pass my house as my route was too short. No prob, ran by- circled back- and still couldve kept going. LOVE these runs.
Doubt is creeping in as the excitement is waring down a bit. I may feel good at the end of 12, but could I go and run that route again? I mean really, could I just take a water break and do it again? I dont know, really, dont know!
Easy week, kinda itching to go onto 14... But experts have made this plan, and veteran marathoners have assured me that rest weeks are important. Good thing- weather stunk and had to move to the tm. Knocked out the easiest 6 on a tm I have ever done! Just barely made it over 60 minutes...
Obstacle- Wednesdays.... If its not the weather, its mental. I am tired and out of ooomph on this day. So far, I take it off and am rip roaring ready to go next run. Hmmmm, gotta figure something out here!
COME ON SPRING!!!! So tired of this *bleep bleep* snow and ICE :((

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