As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pickin it up, Puttin it on- Stickin with it is my strength work for now. I love how the workouts are intense but not too long. I liken them to p90x without all the rest breaks... I feel worn after them but they can easily be fit into my day! So, three of those with 3-4 days of running and I am good to go. I also downloaded a daily yoga app and a daily abs app for my ipad. They are so handy. Absolutely no excuses to not do abs now, 3 minutes and you are sore and lovin it :)
As for the speedwork I was so excited to start... Well, it can only get better right? Actually my numbers were pretty good, but it was hard. Not that I wasnt expecting the difficulty, just I am really not in the mood (currently) to be pushed. I think after all the training, part of me wants to just chill and go woth the flow, even if that means a 27 minute 5k! To top it off I keep thinking about last years 2nd place win. There is pressure to pull one off again- and now my noncompetitive friend has decided she is competitive now and wants a medal too. Well, I cant let her beat me!! LOL
So, Smartcoach has been called upon once again. Strength training/stretching/foam rolling will not be way-layed; I am going to put up some times that I can be proud of. Its all about doing better than before, right? I got this!!

1 comment:

  1. BTW- rocked out 96 pushups today! Knees are not allowed!!
    "I dont want to be Barbie, I want to be stronger than Ken."
