As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wow! I Needed That!

You know how sometimes you get something that you never knew you wanted; now you cant imagine life without it? Well I got one of those gifts today. It came in the form of an interval workout.
My husband recently got a new coworker (whose wife hasnt moved up here yet). When the wife came up for a visit, hubs invited them over for dinner. Great- another couple with no kids, who will inevitably never return b/c we DO have kids- and lots of them. They were nice, had a good visit.
Fast forward months later- the wife is in town again for the summer. Her husband is begging me to call and get her out of the house for a run/workout, whatever... Well, when I finally see her i say,"let me get your number and I can text you for a run." To which she responds, "how about I text you then you will have my number?" From this response I gather that she really isnt interested in running (at least with me.) Well, a few texts exchanges later (and no workouts mind you) we finally make a date to run some intervals. Turns out she wants to run the local 5k this weekend and cant make it past a mile... So, we meet at the track where my kids can play while we run. Honestly, I was really happy to run with her and just glad she finally called...
Well, turns out this workout was my gift... We did two easy chatty laps, then set our Garmins for the laps. 1:42 laps with walks in between. Not an all out sprint, but sustainable and repeatable. We did 4 sprints, drawing on each other to finish; me knowing she was behind me and her not wanting to quit. Two cooldown laps later, I was so glad we did this! Now, I dont mind running alone, prefer it actually, but to have someone with you for these repeat toughys was priceless.
Now, who knows if she will ever call back after this 5k Saturday- only time will tell... But for now, spent, confident and happy- I am glad for the gift, and appreciative:)

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