As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Run Like a Mother Giveaway

Oh, I dont win many contests. But I sure do try! This weeks is: What/where is your running milemarker?
My mile marker… given my mood or goal for the day, there can be many. But I suppose the one that sticks out is the beginning (or is it the end?) of the street that my neighborhood attatches to. For that is where my warmup ends, and the running journey begins. Every time, almost every day…. crossing that street means “lap” gets hit on the Garmin and the feet pick up pace! Which route they take that day, really doesnt matter. All that matters is I am running NOW, and I will (at least for the next hour) live in the NOW; no house to clean, no kids, no husband and no work- just ME, ME ME! (And my two best friends, aka runnin’ shoes.)

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