As a mom of many, I know all about excuses... And if I havent used them all, I have probably at least heard them all. Excuses make my head hurt! We've all got 'em, we all use 'em- but we dont all let them define us! I squashed my excuses a few years back and took full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I am a strong mutha, serious about my health as well as the health of my family. I strive to set a good example and live by what I preach: Motion is lotion/garbage in, garbage out/you are your actions, not your words... I hope to help others learn ways to get in exercise and a healthy lifestyle without extremes or burnouts. Simple, eveyday tactics to Get The Job Done!!
And yes- usually WITH your kids!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Impossible Exercise

Rationally, I know it is necessary, mentally and physically, for me to exercise. And I (rationally) know that I am setting a good example for my kids. And I even (rationally) know that my fitness level greatly benefits all my family in many, many ways: I feel better, I am nicer, I look better, I can play more/harder, I have more energy to do mom things way into the night, I am saving major bucks on therapy, for me and the kids... But, unrationally- I feel like I am drowning. Some days, ok all days, I make sure to get my workouts in. This inevitably means some stuff slides- laundry, bathrooms, vacumming... I know- you've all heard it before. Basically I am fine with that. Here is the thing I am not fine with (at the moment!) When I put in good workouts (with or without the kids), at some point in the day I want, no- NEED to take a rest. I need silence, I need not to be bothered... and this is an impossible exercise to perform in my house without the (dum dum dum...) GUILT! Sometime after lunch, inevitably- I want some down time. By then I have straightened up the house at least once, gathered and started laundry, made and served and cleaned up after 2 meals, vacummed, wiped down at least one bathroom and probably picked up some peed on pajama bottoms and stripped some beds...oh and worked out at least once (ran and PT exercises) all while carrying on a never ending conversation with my 3 year old and refereed umpteen pointless arguments amongst all 4 kids... I know- who wouldnt need a break? But when I sit down (like now) my first thought is, "awww, sweet relief- how I love to sit," which is quickly followed by, "oh, I need to eat lunch myself, I should start dinner- there is swim/baseball/scouts tonight, man- I really need to clean the other bathrooms, when is the last time I vacummed up here, if Derek were to come home right now- would he think my *job* is easy?" And on and on and on it goes... and then there is the more important stuff... the boys are playing video games/arguing- I should be down there. I should be teaching them how to handle these petty situations they get into better so that they will STOP the incessant arguing!! I need to work with C on his phonics, is J really ready for his prek next year- maybe I should make up some more homework for him, I need to get G's homework done and ready to go and M needs help with telling time... (I dont homeschool,but I do push my kids more than the schools do!) And now the real guilt, the secret no good mom would share- I DONT WANT TO! I just dont want to. I dont want to talk calmly but nicely to the little boys about sharing, waiting turns, and NOT hitting/name calling. I dont want to talk to any of them at all. I just want to sit here and stare at the wall. Why (here comes the whining I yell about so much!) caannnnttt IIIII juuuustt sittt heeeerrrreeee for 5 stinking minutes!! Why MUST I do all MY work at night after bed, why are ALL these petty little jobs mine to do, and only mine? And WHEN can I fully turn some tasks over to the kids as something for me to not ever worry about again. Clean your room- and I dont want to have to go check it! Brush your teeth- and do it well enough like you know how that I dont have to point out missed food to you! Put your dishes in the sink- and dont liet me find it on the floor or stuffed somewhere because you just didnt want to walk to the sink (but you'll walk 10ft past just to sit it on the playtable instead!!) OK, by now I am ranting. But I think you see why...So how do you do the impossible exercise? How is it you manage alone time (when not running)? Or- ahem- am I just asking too much? I feel like my "break" time is my exercise, I usually do it when the kids are otherwise taken care of (like in school) so if that is the case- do I not get "another break?" Is it so ballsy of me to ask for more? Or do I, gasp, not exercise and use my alone time to sit and rest... But- not running/lifting/etc... well- then Derek will inevitably gripe about that check I am writing for therapy!


  1. I work outside the home, and when I get home I have to get the kids fed, clean the kitchen, bathe the kids, and put them to bed. After that, if I have any energy left, then I get alone time. Typically I either go to bed right after they do because I'm exhausted or I have to get up early to run...or I stay up too late because I am catching up on TV shows or a book which leaves me tired the next morning when my alarm goes off. It's tough getting alone time! Some times damn near impossible. But I agree, we all need it - and when we finally get it, it goes by WAY too fast.

  2. I'm sorry but is this your life you are talking about or mine because it sounds a hell of a lot like my life!!!!! I am soooo with ya mama! My husband actually made a comment that I am on the computer all day long.... hhhmmmph as if! I have to wake up at 4:45 in the morning to work out. I get NO breaks in the day unless I (gasp) turn on the tv or let the kids play video games. There are NO sick days, lunch breaks or even private bathroom trips. I could go on and on and on. I feel the same way you do!!! Oh and yes my house is still a mess!

  3. Oh and by way... You have such a beautiful family! Love the photo!

  4. Hahaha, I am well aware I am not alone! Us mamas... what can I say?? I love the moms that smirk at my exercise "habit" and say, "I wish I had the time!" As if I have all the time in the world, lol! We make it work- even if it means my kids are hanging from the chandeliers for a bit...

  5. Oh my! I'm right there with ya, sista! Except I've got 2 more lil monkeys at my house asking endless questions and bickering on and off all. day.long!!! I *could* put them in school and find SOME free time (more than I see now) but that's something I've already committed to. Besides, I'm saving a couple teachers by keeping mine home!! LOL
